'¿uuttti <~ream socTa 20ml Captain Morgan's Spiced Rumi 60ml Butterscotch Schnapps \
a tumblcrgl^ss. I
\Frotb | 30ml Cream i ¡2tsp Sugar | Itsp Icing Sugar i 1 Vitsp VanUla Extract__________
Mix together and pour I
Mix together and layer using a spoon onto the main drink
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'30ml Mido
Alice, the Sheriff of Piltover
Ariel, the Bounty Hunter
Aurora, the Nine-Tailed Fox
Belle, the Radiant Dawn
Elsa, the Frost Archer
Helen, Rise of the Thoms & Violet, the Widowmaker
Jane, the Bestial Huntress
Jasmine, the Fist of Shadow
Rapunzel, the Loose Cannon
Snow White, the Grand D