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) -i . The dark city of Noxus>. Ц,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,продолжение под катом,LoL Comics,Night's Aegis
) -i . The dark city of Noxus>. Ц
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,продолжение под катом,LoL Comics,Night's Aegis
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Hard time for nobility/^
Even the richest sons of Noxus attemp to commit misdemeanours.
Such a waste
m 1 wrong ( Sinister Blade
The League, heh... What a joke There's not enough blood for our ebullient youth. Those summoners are only	/
sinking Noxus's brilliance	'
in the name of
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
Several months after Kalamanda issues and the High Commander's death, the shaken peace between Demacia and Noxus was still standing thanks to the League
As Swain accessed to power. tensions ‘.ooiin'd
to slow down between the two mighty forces
of Runeterra. However, many of Noxus’s allies and
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
Hum... Miss Cassiopeia /fT freaked j>1 out again fKjj
Please calm down, miss ! >
I’m... really sorry...
Besides, why are you still I hanging around here ? There is A /
. nothing left for you \ j V in Du Couteau’s J *[	;
\f" v house...	J	U. . 
Hi there Talon !
^ Still drinking
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:01 ответить ссылка 0.0
How uncommon \ to see you f k \ around... s
^Stop playin’ this game m with me, Cassi’!!! J
Aren’t you ashamed of the way you a behave ? f
You may challenge in the League as well, you’re not free to do whatever you want...
What would Father .think of us, now?
V you’re taking \ y
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
#2 Outside
Th** ho'v citv-stat*»
Shining beacon of hope for humanity, the city quietly rose under the skyline
Thanks to the League, the tensions between Demacia and Noxus were reduced to minor confrontations,
...this haven of peace lived under the shadow of an incoming strike of its
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
Who am I trying to
fool ?
#3 Venom of Betrayal
The decoy was	This	will impede
truly a success, f Demacia’s inquisitions pro as I plained... gress. We’ll be free to get ^ I y—r | ourselves organized on /
Ul ^ the south line.
r I don’t understand, High X
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
Heh...Dealin' with the old man again ?
You better stay concentrated. We’ll be called soon on battlefield.
And don’t get too close to that whore... She’s not made of the same s clay as ours. ^
' ^Humph... I don’t
. give a shit...
C’mon, he’s just using your axe until it gets blunt.
hate this
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
Nothing ?
She fainted
Hem... Never thought it would be that easy... j
Y I hate doing that ^ but my poison may teach her k some respect i
Darius ?
I’m in real mess now
What a family
Those girls a just pain
Need some ^ clean up here
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
différents ways... Our lives depend on
Sometimes we lose humanity to be used as bargaining chip.
And become ourselves a burden to others...
And sometimes, we are precious
SDoes it make us 5% weaker..
or stronger
Two fates cross and enlight new means of life
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
I hope you’re right
Meanwhile... R
I had not invited you to talk about tea ! You just said you threw my sister’s body into faraway lands !?
Let her corpse in the middle of the street ? She’s influent and has many allies in assassin corporations -not only in Noxus... Your
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:03 ответить ссылка 0.0
I know they hold a grunge
against me for being so distant and not honoring my father’s memory. It makes me sick myself...
Where have you found this ?
I don’t get it...
Father used to keep it with him until it...
Broke... already broken...
Where did it end up ?
and why ?
Well! So
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:03 ответить ссылка 0.0
You truly fear got tbe \ spirits, an) I correct ? J
Get lost. \ What do you know about this place ?
* Spirits are not greedy enough to attempt to my soul
Answer : what is this place ?
I like tbis place. Tbe whispers of tomjeoted souls speak des-\ pairiogly to n>e, like a fresb /7	piece	of	a
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:03 ответить ссылка 0.0
‘ «Its» bugger bas qo n>igbt or) tbis... Plus, I car) snjell tbe	stirjk	of
sbanjeful secrets ^ S! A !(
'uVL^\J-,V^p^ N
I woo’t let rpy cbapce slip away orjce njore... Your soul will be VOW
What did he meant by « soon be freed from its painful . body » ? f/
Thanks for everything )\ Riven...
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:04 ответить ссылка 0.0
Something like that...
No, the situation has become something
I*) much more than you can
Watch out !
This city never V ' ceases to amaze me...
\ I This really is the cradle J V of techmaturgy...
Gotcha !*
Daminit... the bas tard escaped again
Psssh he just got ~l lucky, we’ll
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:04 ответить ссылка 0.0
Yo Cupcake ! The radiation detector is going crazy !
What the— ? It’s coming from you !
What are you doing carrying this gem?!
L I I We need to /	/31	bring it to
Piltover Customs.
I Heimerdinger will know
r >	1
what to do I HaveyouV with it gone insane?! fck _
Hey ! Wait a sec—!
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:04 ответить ссылка 0.0
Salutations officers ! Looking for science ?
Mhh... If I should make a guess... Vi, did you destroy your gauntlets’ hydraulic ^ system again ?
Huh ! Get v lost Gramps !
So what brings you fine gentlemen here ? You too, officers.
What an unbelie vable immature ^ behaviour... c
it s a very
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:04 ответить ссылка 0.0
I’ll study this. In the meantime, why don’t you both rest in Piltover ? You’d truly be welcome Am I right, officers ?	(
Refrain from panicking : the radiation it produces can no longer corrupt l our minds! f \
Looks like well finally get some rest, huh Garen ?
course !
I have nice little cell
RFS-81 RFS-81 23.04.201303:04 ответить ссылка 0.0
Дариус какой-то слабак, я ожидал от него больше жестокости. А так комикс класс, надеюсь найдется переводчик что-бы все оценили.
Рисовка прикольная. Дрейвен так вообще на длинного казака и мультика напоминает
Vi2RuS Vi2RuS 23.04.201311:46 ответить ссылка 0.2
хочу продолжение
Я и раньше подозревал, что во взаимоотношениях героев всё не так гладко, но чтобы так!
ката классно нарисована :3
Ranmaru Ranmaru 08.08.201319:26 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Anyway, I don’t have the right to access these IVjN documents Do you have ANY idea of what — you’re asking for ? J If you ^ make an effort, I’m sure you’ll find the strength in I your heart I to break the L rnles. m t Don’t ask questions if you care about youi goatee... You’re not stupid, Sini

League of Legends,Лига Легенд фэндомы Katarina,Катарина Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы продолжение под катом LoL Comics Night's Aegis

Anyway, I don’t have the right to access these IVjN documents Do you have ANY idea of what — you’re asking for ? J If you ^ make an effort, I’m sure you’ll find the strength in I your heart I to break the L rnles. m t Don’t ask questions if you care about youi goatee... You’re not stupid, Sini
A noxian su died last nigh summoning answers She had torn off a part of the scroll she has been looking for Its hunger is infinite Oh, I didn’t expect people to come and visit I’m really sorry b Ryze. I should I have done some-1 thing when I saw her last J What a night. Are you alright r Ryz

League of Legends,Лига Легенд фэндомы Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы Katarina,Катарина продолжение под катом LoL Comics Night's Aegis

A noxian su died last nigh summoning answers She had torn off a part of the scroll she has been looking for Its hunger is infinite Oh, I didn’t expect people to come and visit I’m really sorry b Ryze. I should I have done some-1 thing when I saw her last J What a night. Are you alright r Ryz
ТЫ НИКАК Нб выкинешь зто ИЗ ГОЛОВЫ; ДА? ААИ УГАто. ПРОСТИ, ксин. НО ЛИГА Нб сможет ОСТАНОВИТЬ губительный клинок ТАК ПРОСТО... от этой мести ничего хорошего не будет, ни АЛЯ НОКСУСА, НИ АЛЯ лиги или других людей; ЗАМбШАННЫХ S В ЭТОМ-. Ш Ъ'гА г Я ЗНАЮ свое место: РЯДОМ с МОИМ КО- у р

Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы фэндомы League of Legends,Лига Легенд Перевод Night's Aegis Night's Aegis [RUS] LoL Comics

ТЫ НИКАК Нб выкинешь зто ИЗ ГОЛОВЫ; ДА? ААИ УГАто. ПРОСТИ, ксин. НО ЛИГА Нб сможет ОСТАНОВИТЬ губительный клинок ТАК ПРОСТО... от этой мести ничего хорошего не будет, ни АЛЯ НОКСУСА, НИ АЛЯ лиги или других людей; ЗАМбШАННЫХ S В ЭТОМ-. Ш Ъ'гА г Я ЗНАЮ свое место: РЯДОМ с МОИМ КО- у р