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what wrestlers have appeared on the simpsons

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Garen Katarina Blitzcrank LoL Comics ...League of Legends фэндомы 

1)Да этот комикс уже был (мною же скинутый)
2)Под катом 2 часть (ибо автор только сейчас дорисовал)
Well I’m surprised and glad you, as a great champion, found tine in your sched to answer the 748 questions of our fleshing Compatibility Services. I sincerly hope you’ll find loue t I.What nade you decide it was time for you to find your soulmate? 3U. What could you offer to him/her? 102. What

Udyr продолжение под катом breaking news Все на ПБЕ Всего за 1950 RP LoL Gif ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Легендарный скин на удира о котором все говорили, не.... исключено.
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Udyr,Удир,продолжение под катом,breaking news,Все на ПБЕ,Всего за 1950 RP,LoL Gif

Vi X WUZ HERE под катом еще ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Вот недавно заходил на английский офф. сайт ЛоЛа, и узрел это.
Пруф = http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/champions/vi/?ref=en_na_lols_vdp
В самом низу, тривия была переписана всякой белебердой, а текст набран в стиле "лесенка".
Отсылка к следующему чемпу, который/которая (скорее-всего это "она") ненавидит Вай?
NORTH AMERICA- English LOGIN SUPPORT Pool Party is here! Summery skins for Graves, Lee Sin, Leona and Renekton available now. Submit Feedback My Team: contest voting open We are stoked to share all of the great entries we have seen for the My Team video contest. Vote at the contest website!

продолжение под катом Lucian ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Время позднее и переводить в лом, завтра в обед может быть (наверное).
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,продолжение под катом,Lucian,Люциан

Leona Zenith Blade ...League of Legends фэндомы 

League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Leona,Леона,Zenith Blade

breaking news ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Сегодня ставят патч 3.9 ждем удура.
On 07/10/13, starting at 01:30 PST, ranked queues will be disabled in preparation for patch 3.9. At 03:00 PST, the servers will be shut down and all games currently in progress will end in a draw and stats will not be recorded. We estimate the battlegrounds will be unavailable for 3 hours."
Death Streaks

Death Streak gold has been changed a bit. The death streak penalty has been changed to 13% for first death then 20% for every death afterwards from 13% and 30%. Additionally, the minimum gold a player can be worth is now 50g instead of 15g


Pillar of Flame ( W ) mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110.
Conflagration ( E) mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
Pyroclasm ( R ) mana cost decreased to 100 at all ranks from 100/150/200.


Valkyrie ( W ) mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 100 at all ranks.
Missile Barrage ( R ) cost reduced to 20 at all ranks from 30/35/40.


Passive has been remade completely.It is now named "League of Draven" and reads: Draven gains a stack of Adoration when he catches a spinning axe or kills a minion or monster. When Draven kills and enemy champions, he consumes half his Adoration stacks, gaining 3 gold per stack consumed. Draven loses half the Adoration stacks upon death."


Spider Form / Human Form ( R ) No longer counts as a spellcast for the purposes of items like Tears of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.


Rampage ( Q ) mana cost increased to 24/28/32/36/40 from 25 at all ranks.


Transform: Mercury Hammer / Mercury Cannon ( R ) No longer counts as a spellcast for the purposes of items like Tears of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.

Acceleration Gate ( E ) cooldown increased to 16 at all ranks from 14/13/12/11/10


Base attack damage lowered to 47 from 51.3
Mark of the Storm duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8 seconds


Sigil of Silence ( Q ) mana cost lowered to 50/60/70/80/90 from 70/75/80/85/90.
Sigil of Silence ( Q ) initial damage lowered to 55/80/105/130/155 ( +.4 AP ) from 70/110/150/190/230 ( +.6 AP )
Sigil of Silence ( Q ) mark trigger damage increased to 55/80/105/130/155 ( +.5 AP) from 20/40/60/80/100 ( +.3 AP )
Sigil of Silence ( Q ) silence reduced to 1.5 at all ranks from 2
Distortion ( W ) mana cost increased to 80/90/100/110/120 from 80/85/90/95/100.
Ethereal Chains ( E ) cooldown increased to 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 from 10 at all ranks
Ethereal Chains ( E ) time to trigger shackle decreased to 1.5 from 2.
Ethereal Chains ( E ) shackle time changed to 1.5 at all ranks from 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 seconds.
Mimic ( R ) now has different flat damages for each of LeBlancs spells. Mimicked Sigil of Silence and Ethereal Chains deal 100/200/300 (+0.65 AP) magic damage on both instances of their damage. Mimicked Distortion deals 150/300/450 (+ratio missing )magic damage.
Mimic ( R ) mana cost reduced to 0 from 100/50/0.


Solar Flare ( R ) Delay normalized from 0.5s~0.75s


Aspect of the Cougar ( R ) No longer counts as a spellcast for the purposes of items like Tears of the Goddess, Sheen, etc.


Health per level decreased to 96 from 108
Consume ( Q ) damage lowered to 500/625/750/875/1000 from 600/700/800/900/1000


Fury of the Dragonborn ( passive ) Remade. All Fury of the Dragonborn effects are now located on the ability tooltip rather than the passive.
New passive is Dragonborn: Gains bonus Armor and Magic resistance. This bonus is increased per level. These bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form.
Flame Breath ( E ) No longer reduces Armor by 15%
Flame Breath ( E ) Now passes through all units hit instead of stopping at the first
Flame Breath ( E ) Debuff duration increased from 4 seconds
Flame Breath ( E ) Damage decreased at higher levels from 80/125/170/215/260
Flame Breath ( E ) On-hit magic damage to debuffed targets changed to a % of the target's Maximum Health from 15% of Flame Breath's damage.
Dragon's Descent ( R ) drains less Fury per second *source
Dragon's Descent ( R ) Passive Armor/Magic Resistance component removed
Dragon's Descent ( R ) Fury Gain is 2/2/2.
Dragon's Descent ( R ) Passive Fury Gain increased at later ranks from 1/1/1 per 1.5 seconds


Nevermove ( W ) Delay normalized from 0.75s~1s.


Dark Sphere's ( Q ) tool tip now says "This spell can be cast while moving"
Force of Will's ( W ) tool tip now says "This spell can be cast while moving"


Dark Matter ( W ) Delay normalized from 1.2s~1.5s


Satchel Charge ( W)Can now be reactivated while in flight, causing the Satchel Charge to detonate on landing
Satchel Charge ( W)Missile speed increased to 1750 from 1600
Satchel Charge ( W )Increased knockback distance from 350
Satchel Charge ( W )Cooldown now starts when spell is cast, not when Satchel Charge detonates


Archangel's Staff

Mana Charge now grants 8 ( 10 on Crystal Scar ) mana per cast up from 6.
( Summoner's Rift ) Mana charge Cooldown is now 2 times per 8 seconds down from flat 3 second cooldown.
( Crystal Scar ) Mana charge Cooldown is now 2 times per 6 seconds from flat 3 second cooldown.

Black Cleaver

Can no longer apply more than one stack of Armor Shred per basic attack.


Mana Charge now grants 4 ( 8 on Crystal Scar ) maximum mana.
( Crystal Scar ) Mana charge Cooldown is now 2 times per 6 seconds down from 3 seconds flat.

Maw of Malmortius

Attack damage increased to 60 from 55.
Magic resist increased to 40 from 36.
Passive increased to 1 AD for every 2% of missing HP, up to max of 35 AD from 1 per every 2.5% missing HP.

Oracle's Elixir

Now reads "(Revealing a ward in this manner grants aportion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.)"
No longer reads "until death" - persists through death now.
* Reveal Radius reduced to 600 from 750
* Duration reduced to 4 minutes from 5 minutes
* Now has a particle denoting the radius of effect

Orb of Winter ( new item! )

Total Cost: 2080
70 MR
20 HP5
UNIQUE Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs up to 30 (+10 per level) damage. The shield will refresh after 9 seconds without receiving damage.

Tear of the Goddess

Mana charge now grants 4 ( 5 on Crystal Scar ) maximum mana ..
( Summoner's Rift ) Mana charge cooldown is now 2 times every 8 seconds from 3 seconds flat.
( Crystal Scar ) Mana charge cooldown is now 2 times every 6 seconds from 3 seconds flat.


Vision and Sight Ward are now worth slightly more gold, up from 25

Wriggle's Lantern Ward is now worth slightly more gold, up from 15

Reward structure for killing wards has been changed to the following:

The killer of the ward gains 50% of the ward's base gold value

Nearby allied champions with Oracle Elixir or allied champions that have placed Vision Wards nearby split 50% of the ward's base gold value

Map Specific Changes

Twisted Treeline


Armor per level decreased to 2 from 3.5
Insanity Potion cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 100

Crystal Scar


Riftwalk cooldown increased to 9/8/7 seconds from 7/6/5
Riftwalk range decreased to 600 from 700

breaking news Yorick ...League of Legends фэндомы 

И вновь Xelnat показывает нам возможные наборы навыков для Йорика.
Все они основаны на разном использовании гулей, всего билдов 3.
Скрины будут под катом.
1) Основан на сохранении гулей, тк если навык используется при живом гуле, то появляется сильный доп эффект:
Q гуль так же использует данный навык;
W так же происходит дублирование, но без эффекта замедления;
E автоатаки в течении 5 сек востанавливают определенное кол-во хп за удар;
R призывает 5 гулей + 1 за каждую душу(Душу? теперь поговорим о его новом пассиве);
Пассив Фонарь Йорика получает 1 душу каждые 20 сек, души необходимы для самона гулей, они вызываются при использовании навыков против врага. Гули берут на себя 10% получаемого Йориком урона, если живы одновременно более 3-х гулей то они начинают терять здоровье.
2)Отличается от предыдущего, в первую очередь отсутствием ап рейтов, а так же:
W Дублирование эффекта проводится за счет взрыва гуля, но так же дублируется и замедление( в отличии от 1го набора навыков);
E Йорик просвечивает определенную область фонарем, если есть гуль то он чарджится в данную область и наносит аое урон;
R Призыв гулей, кол-во гулей не зависит от кол-ва душ в фонаре (5).
3)У Xelnat хорошая фантазия и чувство юмора:
Пассив генерирует не души, а гулей (25% от хп чемпиона, 10% от ад), перенос урона и пенальти за более, чем 3 гуля те же;
Q Дублирование от гуля, все то же. Еще 1 доп эффект, если в течении 2 сек был убит чемпион или большой крип/миньон генерируется халявный гуль;
W Механика дублирования изменена, если в зоне действия навыка были гули, они превращаются в взрывных гулей и бегут на ближайшего вражеского чемпиона, чтобы взорваться 100% от урона навыка замедление 40%;
E Другой навык. Йорик при помощи лопаты кидает по прямой кучу грязи, все попавшие под действие навыка ловят блайнд на 1.5 сек;
Доп эффект Йорик метает гуля, который раскидывает/пугает вражеских миньонов 1.5сек (что-то типо волибира);
R Смотреть 2ой билд.

Katarina cosplay LoL Cosplay ...League of Legends фэндомы 

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Katarina,Катарина,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,cosplay,LoL Cosplay,Katarina,League of Legends,games,fandoms,cosplay,LoL Cosplay


Игры скриншоты песочница ...League of Legends 

А у кого есть свои веселые скриншоты?
HeySexyLadyx Poppy DeamonHunterK © 81 № *- 90% vs Nautilus Amumu AmberMoon42 VateraVseOgon Version (May 2 2012/19:00:57) [PUBLIC] Client mr black devil 2 Tee mo Hired Gun Graves Dyonk Wlnterr fresh 100% Shyvana Doctore23 100% Summoning Morgana Atejunas,Игры,League

Светлая полоса жизнь все будет хорошо LoL face Мемы ...League of Legends фэндомы 

ВОТ ОНА! VirfOrU innrmjl 13 ~'2 % Victory (normal game) 13 2 Classic +108 IP Summoned Rift 11 April, 2013 % Victory (normal game) ^ 9 W 0 ® 0 Classic +76 IP Summoned Rift 11 April, 2013 % Victory (normal game) 16 9 Classic +92 IP Summoned Rift 11 April, 2013 ш Victory (normal game) ^
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