Ziggs (Зиггс) :: Vi (Вай) :: Master Yi (Мастер Йи) :: Ezreal (Эзреаль) :: Shen (Шен) :: Sona (Сона) :: Вести с PBE :: LoL Video :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: фэндомы

LoL Video Вести с PBE Sona Ezreal Shen Vi Master Yi Ziggs ...League of Legends фэндомы 

PsyOps Sona Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,PsyOps Sona,Skin Spotlight,Sona,PsyOps,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Sona Champion Spotlight,PsyOps Sona Skin Spotlight,PsyOps Sona Skin,SkinSpotlights PsyOps Sona,PsyOps Sona Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,PsyOps Sona Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,PsyOps Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of PsyOps Sona with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1820RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as PsyOps Sona, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released! Chapters 00:00 Bound Recall 00:19 Unbound Recall 00:35 Bound Emotes 01:16 Unbound Emotes 01:52 Basics 01:57 Q Ability 02:15 W Ability 02:31 E Ability 02:50 Put a Point Into Ult to become Unbound 02:56 R Ability 03:07 Unbound E Ability 03:19 Unbound W Ability 03:27 Unbound Q Ability 03:40 Unbound Crit 03:46 Bound Crit 03:51 RIP Unbound 04:00 RIP Bound 04:08 Chromas
PsyOps Vi Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,PsyOps Vi,Skin Spotlight,Vi,PsyOps,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Vi Champion Spotlight,PsyOps Vi Skin Spotlight,PsyOps Vi Skin,SkinSpotlights PsyOps Vi,PsyOps Vi Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,PsyOps Vi Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,PsyOps Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of PsyOps Vi with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as PsyOps Vi, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released! Chapters 00:00 Recall 00:16 Basics and W Ability 00:23 Q Ability 00:38 E Ability 01:01 R Ability 01:07 Zoomed Out R Ability 01:15 Zoomed Out Abilities 01:26 Crit Animation 01:38 RIP Animation
PsyOps Shen Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,PsyOps Shen,Skin Spotlight,Shen,PsyOps,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Shen Champion Spotlight,PsyOps Shen Skin Spotlight,PsyOps Shen Skin,SkinSpotlights PsyOps Shen,PsyOps Shen Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,PsyOps Shen Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,PsyOps Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of PsyOps Shen with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as PsyOps Shen, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released! Chapters 00:00 Recall 00:17 Basics 00:20 Q Ability 00:44 W Ability 01:03 E Ability 01:15 W Blocking 01:19 R Ability 01:25 Zoomed Out R Ability 01:43 Crit Animation 01:57 RIP Animation 02:02 Chromas
PsyOps Master Yi Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,PsyOps Master Yi,Skin Spotlight,Master Yi,PsyOps,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Master Yi Champion Spotlight,PsyOps Master Yi Skin Spotlight,PsyOps Master Yi Skin,SkinSpotlights PsyOps Master Yi,PsyOps Master Yi Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,PsyOps Master Yi Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,PsyOps Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of PsyOps Master Yi with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as PsyOps Master Yi, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released! Chapters 00:00 Recall 00:18 Basics 00:27 Q Ability 00:44 W Ability 01:00 E Ability 01:30 R Ability 01:40 Ability Combo 02:04 Zoomed Out Abilities 02:19 R Passive 02:26 Crit Animation 02:32 RIP Animation 02:38 Chromas
PsyOps Ezreal Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,PsyOps Ezreal,Skin Spotlight,Ezreal,PsyOps,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Ezreal Champion Spotlight,PsyOps Ezreal Skin Spotlight,PsyOps Ezreal Skin,SkinSpotlights PsyOps Ezreal,PsyOps Ezreal Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,PsyOps Ezreal Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,PsyOps Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of PsyOps Ezreal with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as PsyOps Ezreal, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released! Chapters 00:00 Recall 00:17 Basics 00:22 Q Ability 00:28 W Ability 00:44 E Ability 00:52 R Ability 01:03 Zoomed Out R Ability 01:15 W On Turret 01:24 Crit Animation 01:29 RIP Animation
Prestige PsyOps Ezreal Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Prestige PsyOps Ezreal,Skin Spotlight,Ezreal,Prestige PsyOps,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Ezreal Champion Spotlight,Prestige PsyOps Ezreal Skin Spotlight,Prestige PsyOps Ezreal Skin,SkinSpotlights Prestige PsyOps Ezreal,Prestige PsyOps Ezreal Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Prestige PsyOps Ezreal Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Prestige PsyOps Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Prestige PsyOps Ezreal with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: Event Prestige Skin name is CONFIRMED as Prestige PsyOps Ezreal, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released! Chapters 00:00 Recall 00:17 Basics 00:22 Q Ability 00:28 W Ability 00:42 E Ability 00:48 R Ability 01:00 Zoomed Out R Ability 01:13 W On Turret 01:22 Crit Animation 01:29 RIP Animation
Hextech Ziggs Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Hextech Ziggs,Skin Spotlight,Ziggs,Hextech,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Ziggs Champion Spotlight,Hextech Ziggs Skin Spotlight,Hextech Ziggs Skin,SkinSpotlights Hextech Ziggs,Hextech Ziggs Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Hextech Ziggs Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Hextech Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Hextech Ziggs with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 10 Gemstones Skin name is CONFIRMED as Hextech Ziggs, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released! Chapters 00:00 Recall 00:17 Basics and Passive 00:22 Q Ability 00:35 W Ability 00:55 E Ability 01:14 R Ability 01:20 Zoomed Out R Ability 01:32 Crit Animation 01:41 RIP Animation
LoL Video,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Вести с PBE,Sona,Сона,Ezreal,Эзреаль,Shen,Шен,Vi,Вай,Master Yi,Мастер Йи,Ziggs,Зиггс
Еще на тему
Рито безпалевно пиздят концепты для скинов.
Нет, не пиздят, а обращаются к авторам- художникам напрямую и даже платят им за использование их дизайна без прямого найма на работу. И уже давно.
Шо, правда? У меня есть идея для отличной линейки скинов со 100% популярностью. Гарен, Кейтлин, Тарик и Диана в форме от Hugo Boss.
Он скорее про реализованные фан-концепты по типу Физза из Безды и Ривен в костюме зайки.
И Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger
Откуда у этой линейки ноги растут?
Подозреваю что из Metal Gear.
Конкретно Сона мне больше напомнила Elfen lied и Альму из FEAR. Остальные скинцы так себе, проходняк.
Мне все скины цветовой палитрой и психо-дичью напоминают боссов MGS4.
А мне эти лгбт эффекты кажутся люто неуместными, хз.
Эзреаль начинает создавать серьезную конкуренцию Люксе и Ари по количеству скинов.
Меня больше напрягает, что Рито повторяются с легендарными скинами на чемпионов.
Название линейки напомнило мне о былых временах...
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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