Парень, загрузивший это, говорит, что он знает некоторых артистов лично и "имеет доступ к картинкам", что бы это не значило. Есть подозрение, что лавина продолжится.
first...I don't know who is that but Im guesing that is some sort of league of legends hater..second..i'l like to share with others people becouse not much of them knows some of artist in real like I do so I have full acesses to they works..this is just an act of good will..nothing more..
Well... There was one guy, who didn't like pics with Ahri. He always wrote the same bad comment about her below each picture. After that he was always got banned, but he made a new account, time after time. I don't remember exactly, how much accounts he made, but it was something like 600-700. (Un)Fortunately, he missed for several months, but we will always remember him :D
Can you make a post with several pictures, not several posts? It's OK, Ahri is one of the most popular tags in LoL fandom, but those, who subscribed on it, are having their mainpage full of foxes.
у вас в фэндоме нет ограничения на кол-во постов в 30 минут? у человека нет рейтинга а он постит кучу артов за раз... странно это...
И да, я не против лисички, просто модерский интерес)
И да, я не против лисички, просто модерский интерес)