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Чувак, слишком большой перебор Ари, огромный перебор...
Пусть постит - хейтер П. куда то- пропал.Я летом редко заходил,даже и не заметил.
Я искренне надеялся, что он дойдет до тысячного акка, а потом напишет пост с объяснением (опционально -- с годными картинками). Мол, "простите братцы, я просто поспорил с кем-то". Но не судьба, видимо.
I have more 5432 pictures from different artists and i'l like to share with others people becouse not much of them knows some of artist in real like I do so I have full acesses to they works..this is just an act of good will..nothing more..
I guess, those comments about amount of pics were written not in bad sense. Not often somebody does a carpet bombing of pictures.
like I said..I do have contacts here with some of aritsts..Im helping them as much as I can so in reward they giving me some of the works that they want to share with others..I have plenty of different pictures in different styles..If people want them I can upload them too..