~36 mins
Cam* Length
1 Kills
8 Oaths
9 Assists
Ranked Solo 5v5 3 Kills
LOSS c?m!w?g!hS 1 °eathS
1 day ago 2 Assists
4.7k 68
Cold Minions
Ranked Solo 5v5
I day ago
~28 mil
Cam* lengt
6.8k 79
Cold Minions
Ranked Solo 5v5 2 Kills
LOSS ~49 mins 6 Oaths
Came Length 2
Patch Rundown - 4.12,Games,,http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/live-gameplay/N7ARcFt9-patch-rundown-412-comments-and-questions
We're piloting the first episode of (what we hope to be!) a new video series, the Patch Rundown! These videos will each focus on the contents of the latest patch