Автор / Lulu (Лулу) :: Grimace shake :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: flowrmosh :: фэндомы

Lulu flowrmosh Grimace shake ...League of Legends фэндомы 


League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Lulu,Лулу,flowrmosh,Grimace shake
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Yup, that tasted purple!
Hastaare Hastaare 30.06.202305:29 ответить ссылка 5.0
Они убили Лулу! Сволочи!
Arlis Arlis 30.06.202319:53 ответить ссылка 0.0
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* ЛЁШ	fc " ■ № jWMH	щ._* 1 n&y/f ., ^	Ч Щщ P I		
я	Ь 7 *> As the days passed, Vex realized the&RSfMCE was having a strange effect on her. Her shadow had taken on a new ghostly persona—much more lively and expressive than its host—and her benign yordle magic had transformed into something far more sinister. Vex could now spread her misery far and wide.

League of Legends,Лига Легенд фэндомы Grimace shake Vex (LoL),Векс

As the days passed, Vex realized the&RSfMCE was having a strange effect on her. Her shadow had taken on a new ghostly persona—much more lively and expressive than its host—and her benign yordle magic had transformed into something far more sinister. Vex could now spread her misery far and wide.