The Ballad of League of Legends,Games,,The Ballad of League of Legends; or 123 champs in 120 / LoL Video :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: фэндомы

LoL Video ...League of Legends фэндомы 

The Ballad of League of Legends,Games,,The Ballad of League of Legends; or 123 champs in 120 seconds. Written, performed, and edited by: Tim Leftwich Lyrics: Vladimir, Udyr and, Tryndamere, Viktor, Kayle, And Veigar. Nocturne, Irelia, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Vel'Koz, and Alistar. There’s Soraka, Lee Sin, Wukong, Lucian, Lissandra, and Malzahar… Renekton and Evelynn, Kennen, then Garen, Nidalee, Jax, And Rengar Heimerdinger’s a pain in the ass for your team, And Corki will take to the sky, Shyvana, Morganna and badass Diana, And Skarner will drag you to die. Miss Fortune and Riven and Jarvan and Draven And the crazy girl known as Jinx, Rammus and Varus, and Nasus and Nautalis Gragas will serve up the drinks. Fiora and Darius, Yorick will bury us Fiddlesticks, Annie, Azir, LeBlanc, and Teemo, who’s death is my dream-o And Shaco will fill you with fear. Well, Blitzcrank will pull you right from the bush and Ziggs, we know, is the bomb. And Nami’s high seas are a nice sea breeze To the moustachioed man known as Braum There’s Kassadin, Zilean, Hecarim, Quinn, and there’s Xerath, Kalista, and Gnar, Katarina, Leona, Sejuani and Sona, And Graves, without his cigar. Ahri and Sivir, two women delivering Pain right out of the gate, But a flurry of cards from hundreds of yards Means look out, here comes Twisted Fate Mordekaiser, Cho'Gath, Shen and Kha'Zix, That crying is just the Amumu The grunting would be Xin Zhou training with Yi, the mysterious master of Wuju! Maokai, Tristana, Fizz, Vi, Orianna, Pantheon, Poppy, and Lux Janna, Dr. Mundo, and Karma, And the Darkin we know as Aatrox There’s Talon and Caitlyn, Sion and Singed, Taric, Akali, and Swain Lulu and Trundle, Nunu and Rumble, Brand, Galio, and Vayne Well, Warwick’s a Thriller to see on the field And Zed is a flippin’ ninja Ezreal, Thresh, Elize, Ryze, and Zac, Syndra, Anivia, Zyra and Volibear Ashe Urgot Jayce Olaf Yasuo Gangplank Malphite Kogmaw And Twitch This video could not have been made without the help of Brian, Tanner, Drew, Nick, Neil, Erik, Matthew, Luis, and especially Curtis and Colt. I cannot thank you guys enough for making my dream a reality.
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,LoL Video
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Комментарии 3 10.12.201417:47 ссылка -0.1
кастрировать его мало за "сраку" вместо "сораки" =_=
но вообще вин, да.
Он не успел добавить в песню РекСай, посему запилил её в конце...
YanByan YanByan 10.12.201418:16 ответить ссылка 0.3
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