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»Katarina Vi Lulu Sona Jinx Akali Lux Ahri Tristana Poppy League of Legends фэндомы tibbers Skarner Zilean Trundle Xerath Xin Zhao Galio Corki Nunu & Willump Kassadin Rammus Udyr Yorick Urgot Nautilus Gragas Nocturne Malphite Ryze Dr. Mundo Anivia Rek'Sai Singed Cho'Gath Rumble (LoL) Hecarim Gangplank Volibear Sion Karthus Heimerdinger Twitch (LoL) Alistar Jax Tahm Kench Tryndamere Malzahar Wukong (LoL) Jarvan IV Bard (LoL) Swain Jayce Mordekaiser Kha'Zix Fizz Master Yi Renekton Azir Fiddlesticks Vladimir Viktor Kog'Maw Pantheon Lucian Warwick Twisted Fate Taric Ziggs Nasus Graves Varus Kalista Shen Amumu Cassiopeia Quinn Braum Talon Ekko Lee Sin Zac Orianna Sejuani Karma Darius Gnar Elise Kayle Sivir Draven Rengar Vayne Thresh Zed Garen Veigar Yasuo Shyvana Fiora Poro Nami Janna Diana Ezreal Morgana Irelia Ashe Syndra Leona Annie Teemo Evelynn Riven Soraka Caitlyn Miss Fortune
Veigar League of Legends фэндомы
Песенка вейгара, для тех кто хорошо знает инглиш (а картинка мне просто понравилась).
You can not see my face.
Corrupting Time and Space.
I stride through infernal gloom
To conjure the magic to spell your doom.
You shall, Learn to, fear me.
I'm on a killing spree.
My powers will corrupt you.
For these are the terrible things I do.
People say I'm impotent, mind is bent
Kill them all! I'm adamant. Hell bent.
Voices Jeer and mock my might, and my height
These miserable souls will face my Spite!
I - Have seen - The Great -Beyond
San - ity - is too - far gone
The U - niverse - Will Bow - to me
I - Will show - It no - Mercy.
You can not see my face.
Corrupting Time and Space.
I stride through infernal gloom
To conjure the magic to spell your doom.
You shall, Learn to, fear me.
I'm on a killing spree.
My powers will corrupt you.
For these are the terrible things I do.
People say I'm impotent, mind is bent
Kill them all! I'm adamant. Hell bent.
Voices Jeer and mock my might, and my height
These miserable souls will face my Spite!
I - Have seen - The Great -Beyond
San - ity - is too - far gone
The U - niverse - Will Bow - to me
I - Will show - It no - Mercy.
LoL Comics Yorick Warwick Kog'Maw Ezreal Varus Life of Legends League of Legends фэндомы
Zed Syndra Wukong (LoL) Lee Sin Garen Katarina Shen LoL Comics Перевод продолжение под катом League of Legends фэндомы история любви зеда и синдры
Выпуск 29
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