Sion Urgot ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Scumbag Sion

► ’"*• "So, uh, Urgot. We can't hang out any more. I'm cool now. *,Sion,Сион,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Urgot,Ургот

...League of Legends фэндомы 

n MonteCristo @qqCMonteCristo • 56 min
' We will just rename Rekkles to Houdlnl because he will disappear so quickly.
t.1 95	★	172
n MonteCristo @qqCMonteCristo • 56 min
Hope you kids like some fireworks. Dade Zed with no exhaust on fnatic.
t.1 53	★	105
m MonteCristo @qqCMonteCristo • 1 h

video LoL Video ...League of Legends фэндомы 


Poppy ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Что думаете об Unicorns Of Love?
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Poppy,Поппи

Azir Nasus Renekton Xerath ...League of Legends фэндомы 

RITO Снова меняет старый-добрый лор

In ancient Shurima, young emperor Azir was persuaded by Xerath, his magus, to attempt the fabled Ascension ritual - despite ancient warnings to do so only in times of direst threat.,Azir,Азир,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Nasus,Насус,Renekton,Ренектон,Xerath,Зерат

Azir’s hubris proved disastrous. As the Sun Disc focused the dawn rays into a transformative beam, Xerath betrayed Azir, shoving his emperor aside and stealing its power for himself.,Azir,Азир,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Nasus,Насус,Renekton,Ренектон,Xerath,Зерат

In an instant, Azir was obliterated - and Xerath remade as a spectral being of pure, malevolent energy -as the city around them was swallowed whole by the desert.,Azir,Азир,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Nasus,Насус,Renekton,Ренектон,Xerath,Зерат
Nasus and Renekton, Ascended heroes of Shuriman legend, sensed in an instant that something had gone terribly wrong and rushed to the Sun Disc. They hurled Xerath into a chained sarcophagus - but the magus shattered it into shards.,Azir,Азир,League of Legends,Лига
Renekton dragged Xerath into the Tomb of the Emperors and shouted to Nasus to seal the door. With a heavy heart, Nasus entombed his brother with a madman in the buried ruins for all eternity. Or so he believed..,Azir,Азир,League of Legends,Лига


LoL Gif Dyrus ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Кратко о TSM vs LMQ


...League of Legends фэндомы 

League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы

video LoL Video ...League of Legends фэндомы 


Gnar Rengar ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Gnar,Гнар,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Rengar,Ренгар

video LoL Video ...League of Legends фэндомы 
