Обновленные спецэффекты для Энни и Наутилуса / LoL Video :: Вести с PBE :: Annie (Энни) :: Nautilus (Наутилус) :: Jinx (Джинкс) :: Yuumi (LoL) (Юми) :: Senna (LoL) (Сенна) :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: фэндомы

Senna (LoL) Yuumi (LoL) Jinx Annie Nautilus LoL Video Вести с PBE ...League of Legends фэндомы 

Обновленные спецэффекты для Энни и Наутилуса

Prestige True Damage Senna Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Prestige True Damage Senna,Louis Vuitton,Louis Vuitton Senna,Skin Spotlight,Senna,Prestige True Damage,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Senna Champion Spotlight,Prestige True Damage Senna Skin Spotlight,Prestige True Damage Senna Skin,SkinSpotlights Prestige True Damage Senna,Prestige True Damage Senna Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Prestige True Damage Senna Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Prestige True Damage Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Prestige True Damage Senna with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 100 Prestige Points, bargain for you Louis Vuitton fans... Skin name is CONFIRMED as Prestige True Damage Senna, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Heartseeker Yuumi Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Heartseeker Yuumi,Skin Spotlight,Yuumi,Heartseeker,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Yuumi Champion Spotlight,Heartseeker Yuumi Skin Spotlight,Heartseeker Yuumi Skin,SkinSpotlights Heartseeker Yuumi,Heartseeker Yuumi Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Heartseeker Yuumi Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Heartseeker Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Heartseeker Yuumi with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Heartseeker Yuumi, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Annie VFX Update - Pre-PBE Preview,Gaming,,VFX Update for Annie. More info here: https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/developer-corner/cZEXMEPE-vfx-updates-for-annie-and-nautilus
Heartseeker Jinx Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Heartseeker Jinx,Skin Spotlight,Jinx,Heartseeker,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Jinx Champion Spotlight,Heartseeker Jinx Skin Spotlight,Heartseeker Jinx Skin,SkinSpotlights Heartseeker Jinx,Heartseeker Jinx Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Heartseeker Jinx Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Heartseeker Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Heartseeker Jinx with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Heartseeker Jinx, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Nautilus VFX Update - Pre-PBE Preview,Gaming,,VFX Update for Nautilus. (Yeah Naut, not Annie like the video text says, rip me) More info here: https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/developer-corner/cZEXMEPE-vfx-updates-for-annie-and-nautilus
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Senna (LoL),Сенна,Yuumi (LoL),Юми,Jinx,Джинкс,Annie,Энни,Nautilus,Наутилус,LoL Video,Вести с PBE
Еще на тему
Обновлённые анимации на Энни и Наутилусе, это конечно приятно.
Чувствется какая-то недосказанность. Попробую продолжить:

Обновлённые анимации на Энни - это, конечно, приятно...
но эту мелкую спидозницу следует полностью реворкать, а не вот это вот всё.
Энни реально стоило бы реворкнуть. Хотя бы визуал как с Морганой было.
FeliX FeliX 23.01.202014:20 ответить ссылка 0.0
Ты блять Удира видел? А Амуму?Может Анивию? Анечка последняя кто в визуал апдэйте нуждается.
Рамбла ....
Arlis Arlis 23.01.202019:11 ответить ссылка 0.0
Есть чемпионы, чьи модельки не менялись с беты. Лулу может подождать... да... может...
Я имел в виду в первую очередь геймплей, визуал - это уже проблема десятого плана.
Что не так с гемплеем? Энни вносит дохрена урона и имеет стан.
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Проклятое существование - вынужден умирать в глубинахг^Д
■ Нет'домахнет'жизни, к которой можно вернуться
Теперь мне цютно только на Эне
но ук...зн аеш
Это круто. Небеликл беда

League of Legends,Лига Легенд фэндомы LoL Comics Nautilus,Наутилус Jinx,Джинкс ARAM Adventures

Проклятое существование - вынужден умирать в глубинахг^Д ■ Нет'домахнет'жизни, к которой можно вернуться Теперь мне цютно только на Эне но ук...зн аеш Это круто. Небеликл беда
Pre-Release Teaser - Sweetheart Annie Skin - League of Legends,Games,,This is a teaser! 
Price: 750RP
Skin name is CONFIRMED as Sweetheart Annie, particles & SFX may not be final.

Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth.

For League of Legends Related

League of Legends,Лига Легенд фэндомы pbe Annie,Энни video LoL Video Вести с PBE

Pre-Release Teaser - Sweetheart Annie Skin - League of Legends,Games,,This is a teaser! Price: 750RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Sweetheart Annie, particles & SFX may not be final. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related