Elderwood Ahri Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Elderwood Ahri,Skin / LoL Video :: Shen (Шен) :: Вести с PBE :: Varus (Варус) :: Galio (Галио) :: Nocturne (Ноктюрн) :: Veigar (Вейгар) :: Ahri (Ари) :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: фэндомы

Ahri Veigar Nocturne Varus Galio Shen Вести с PBE LoL Video ...League of Legends фэндомы 
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Ahri,Ари,Veigar,Вейгар,Nocturne,Ноктюрн,Varus,Варус,Galio,Галио,Shen,Шен,Вести с PBE,LoL Video
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Ahri,Ари,Veigar,Вейгар,Nocturne,Ноктюрн,Varus,Варус,Galio,Галио,Shen,Шен,Вести с PBE,LoL Video
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Ahri,Ари,Veigar,Вейгар,Nocturne,Ноктюрн,Varus,Варус,Galio,Галио,Shen,Шен,Вести с PBE,LoL Video
League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Ahri,Ари,Veigar,Вейгар,Nocturne,Ноктюрн,Varus,Варус,Galio,Галио,Shen,Шен,Вести с PBE,LoL Video


Elderwood Ahri Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Elderwood Ahri,Skin Spotlight,Ahri,Elderwood,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Ahri Champion Spotlight,Elderwood Ahri Skin Spotlight,Elderwood Ahri Skin,SkinSpotlights Elderwood Ahri,Elderwood Ahri Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Elderwood Ahri Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Elderwood Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Elderwood Ahri with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here and help support this channel via the amazon affiliate program (NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Elderwood Ahri, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Elderwood Nocturne Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Elderwood Nocturne,Skin Spotlight,Nocturne,Elderwood,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Nocturne Champion Spotlight,Elderwood Nocturne Skin Spotlight,Elderwood Nocturne Skin,SkinSpotlights Elderwood Nocturne,Elderwood Nocturne Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Elderwood Nocturne Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Elderwood Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Elderwood Nocturne with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here and help support this channel via the amazon affiliate program (NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Elderwood Nocturne, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Elderwood Veigar Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Elderwood Veigar,Skin Spotlight,Veigar,Elderwood,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Veigar Champion Spotlight,Elderwood Veigar Skin Spotlight,Elderwood Veigar Skin,SkinSpotlights Elderwood Veigar,Elderwood Veigar Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Elderwood Veigar Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Elderwood Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Elderwood Veigar with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here and help support this channel via the amazon affiliate program (NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Elderwood Veigar, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Infernal Galio Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Infernal Galio,Skin Spotlight,Galio,Infernal,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Galio Champion Spotlight,Infernal Galio Skin Spotlight,Infernal Galio Skin,SkinSpotlights Infernal Galio,Infernal Galio Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Infernal Galio Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Infernal Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Infernal Galio with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here and help support this channel via the amazon affiliate program (NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Infernal Galio, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Infernal Shen Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Infernal Shen,Skin Spotlight,Shen,Infernal,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Shen Champion Spotlight,Infernal Shen Skin Spotlight,Infernal Shen Skin,SkinSpotlights Infernal Shen,Infernal Shen Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Infernal Shen Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Infernal Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Infernal Shen with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here and help support this channel via the amazon affiliate program (NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Infernal Shen, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!
Infernal Varus Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Infernal Varus,Skin Spotlight,Varus,Infernal,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Varus Champion Spotlight,Infernal Varus Skin Spotlight,Infernal Varus Skin,SkinSpotlights Infernal Varus,Infernal Varus Gameplay,Skin Gameplay,Infernal Varus Trailer,SkinSpotlights,ingame gameplay,Infernal Skins,montage,This is a teaser spotlight of Infernal Varus with ingame gameplay! Purchase RP here and help support this channel via the amazon affiliate program (NA): https://amzn.to/2qZ3Bmv Price: 1350RP Skin name is CONFIRMED as Infernal Varus, particles & SFX may not be final. Check out the other skins in this cycle. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth. For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20: http://www.surrenderat20.net/ Feel Free to Follow me on Twitter as well: https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights Facebook for all you FB Users who want to keep upto date: https://www.facebook.com/Skinspotlights Wish to ask me anything? Ask away here: http://ask.fm/SkinSpotlightsYT Please feel free to subscribe for more Skin Spotlights to stay upto date with new skins about to be released!

League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Ahri,Ари,Veigar,Вейгар,Nocturne,Ноктюрн,Varus,Варус,Galio,Галио,Shen,Шен,Вести с PBE,LoL Video
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qopik qopik 14.08.201909:31 ответить ссылка 4.1
Сюда надо лицо злого Орна
NinkPT NinkPT 14.08.201912:02 ответить ссылка 0.4
Какой ты нервный. Видимо тебе нужен новый скин на Люкс.
Да вообще скины говно. Вот были бы ЭлдерВуд Ари, Элдервуд Люкс и Элдервуд Люкс престижная, вот тогда да, тогда я был бы доволен
qopik qopik 14.08.201917:02 ответить ссылка 0.6
Ари намного популярней Орна, а значит скин на неё купят большее количество людей. Джаст бизнес
SparkUA SparkUA 14.08.201920:56 ответить ссылка -0.1
Угу, но так же и концерт проще придумать. Попробуй придумай интересный концепт на того же орна, или ваше того же зака-что ты сделаешь с куском яблочного желе.
mkkant mkkant 15.08.201902:14 ответить ссылка 1.5
Венома? Пусть и немного переделанного
а есть хентай с таким скином на Айри? друг просит.
Hаnabi Hаnabi 14.08.201909:39 ответить ссылка 0.0
Вот это уже лучше, а то кда выглядел мягко говоря посредственно, а этот я готов даже за сплеш купить, не говоря об эффекта.
mkkant mkkant 14.08.201912:12 ответить ссылка -0.7
Где элдервуд Киндред?! Фан концепт уже несколько лет лежит на просторах интернета!
Elderwood Kindred
v Чч ц U\ ' 1	\ 1 \		\ /		s \
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Зачем делать скин на Киндред (у которой последний скин был выпущен хуй знает как давно) если можно на Ари? У нее же так мало скинов, ты что.
Лично мне кроме дефолтного у Киндры вообще ни один не нравится. Жду, пока годный выпустят. А что Ари сразу? Пусть еще один на Люкс пилят
лучше вспомните Зилеана на котором я новых скинов вообще года 4 не видел
На глаз тоже ни черта не выпускают.
Кстати, уже не припомню когда Рито в последний раз делали фан-скины. Вроде Пчеловод Синджед последний.
Если он выходил после пекаря пантеона, то да.
А скинов на Нико так и не завезли.
Cuznyzr Cuznyzr 14.08.201913:32 ответить ссылка -0.1
Зачем тебе скины на Нико, когда ты можешь бегать ею со скинами союзников?
Привет из Зельды Вейгар.
т** - е<ъ
Vlad00 Vlad00 14.08.201923:19 ответить ссылка 0.7
Как это развидеть ?
suddenly suddenly 15.08.201912:49 ответить ссылка 0.0
Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут добавлять комментарии.
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Conqueror Varus Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends,Gaming,Conqueror Varus,Skin Spotlight,Varus,Conqueror,gameplay,preview,League of Legends,Varus Champion Spotlight,Conqueror Varus Skin Spotlight,Conqueror Varus Skin,SkinSpotlights Conqueror Varus,Conqueror Varus Gameplay,Skin