Пока без перевода, надеюсь кто-нибудь займется переводом. / Lux (Люкс) :: Katarina (Катарина) :: Lulu (Лулу) :: Jinx (Джинкс) :: Poppy (Поппи) :: Aatrox (Атрокс) :: Fiora (Фиора) :: Leona (Леона) :: Janna (Жанна) :: LoL Comics :: Ahri (Ари) :: Corki (Корки) :: Soraka (Сорака) :: Irelia (Ирелия) :: Ezreal (Эзреаль) :: Miss Fortune (Мисс Фортуна) :: Syndra (Синдра) :: Sona (Сона) :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: Shinaa :: Кликабельно :: фэндомы

Katarina Sona Jinx Poppy Lulu Lux Ahri Miss Fortune LoL Comics Кликабельно ...League of Legends фэндомы Shinaa Corki Aatrox Fiora Janna Ezreal Irelia Syndra Leona Soraka 

Пока без перевода, надеюсь кто-нибудь займется переводом.

I'm a Star Guardian
I traveled across the Universe, saved many worlds...
and I faced so many terrors
Chaptenl: Waxies Crossroad * »
At that time,
I used to think light was a shelter, a safe and warm spot where to . run in times of danger
The only
safe place
where you can hide
is into

I still can't believe you can eat ■ that without being sick^
Hey girls
That's one of the many powers I have over you, Pop's
Don't worry Lulu, I'll go grab it for you
Look what I've got for you today, Jinx!
Hurrah for pizza spicy sauce making school food tasting decent!!!
Successful delivery

What's wrong with her?
Acting like she could spare an apology. I would lie if I'd say it's the first time she acts like this...
That's my fault, I wasn't looking in front of me. I'm sorry Lulu, I know you can't eat vegetables without your sugar drink...
The... special drink.
This is enough!

jAllthis is not going to impair my good mood today bec-
I know I should defend you but I must admit... she has a point
Don't worry
I can tell you * about bullies, Lux
They usually act like this with many others, smaller and most vulnerable students like ^ Lulu. But you're the only one. > ^

But look, they argue like blabbering babies.
I would never have expected the First star to be desespérate enough to choose such weaklings
Oh wow, I'm sure you did not even lift a finger for that trip while we were collecting the funds by our own
vreweresuppo5'“ H to sett- V
Remember \ when I

,\ Asa \ \JJj member of fjj the students concil, I gave my word I would help withtthe spring festival coming soon Hi
f I hoped a little bit of involvment from , , you but it seems like your time is tooJ precious to be wasted.
What's wrong with that girl? They first refuse to team Why would Lux

Are we good ^^yet?
Have you packed all your stuff Lulu ? We shouldn't make Ahri's group wait on the first day we really have the chance to interact /ssr\ with them.
Yes! Just a few seconds! Pix haven't had his daily snack yet!
How many times I've told you not to feed Pix I out of your bag!? ^

What have you stolen this time?.
She just saw me!,Katarina,Катарина,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Sona,Сона,Leona,Леона,Fiora,Фиора,Aatrox,Атрокс,Jinx,Джинкс,Poppy,Поппи,Lulu,Лулу,Janna,Жанна,Lux,Люкс,Ahri,Ари,Syndra,Синдра,Miss Fortune,Мисс

Lulu? What's got into you?
N-nothing really! I must1 be seing things...'Mistook a friend with the wrong person,
Fine, but we	'
should hurry. We don't want to hear Her Majesty
Why do I feel so nervous? They're just leaving for a few days. Therefore, Ahri and cie will be with them...
W I felt

I don't wantyou to think we don't A consideryour ^ team at all r
w' And you m came to find me^I to apologize for^ k that?
* is no heartíel^scorn
~ ...but real fear.
Sarah and I had to *arguewithAhri to come 1 here and seek for your assistance. I guess it took her a lot of efforts to act

Ezreal is telling me
Sure ! 1 Let me send a text! i
that... he won't be coming at the outing with us.^
Is... is your invitation still open ?
Ur This is ll rather sur
I prising. But I guess Ezreal has his own 1 good reasons to let us down at the U very last ] ^ moment J|
It's not a bad option

You're missing the outing because of me... and you gave mean hand with the party stuff.
I feel indebted for everything you've done yet, Ezreal. M
So! Are we good? i
Yes! \\{ m We found almost * s?. everything for both r Janna's birthday and ~ the spring event! <
/	You need help to
Q_ carry

Must be my imagination
Haven't I told ^ jtai you before?
\ \ sn		
	m , mpi , V. «1 - > i / ' \ \Ml rW/ i\\l /«/	
!■ F i 1		
	lr I 1,Katarina,Катарина,League of Legends,Лига

Конец первой главы.

A I'm a Star Guardian I traveled across the Universe, saved many worlds... and I faced so many terrors Chaptenl: Waxies Crossroad * » At that time, I used to think light was a shelter, a safe and warm spot where to . run in times of danger The only safe place where you can hide is into darkness
I still can't believe you can eat ■ that without being sick^ Hey girls That's one of the many powers I have over you, Pop's Don't worry Lulu, I'll go grab it for you Look what I've got for you today, Jinx! Hurrah for pizza spicy sauce making school food tasting decent!!! Successful delivery again Where is Lulu's ■ miu sad special drink? | Oh no! I forgot to pick it up! | I'm so sorry Lulu £ Mixed candies wit Werisnodrink", lethal weapon U>okvfo°'s i m : là № m S\ ! r? m' JS 1 r Éi .1 ; ! n il
What's wrong with her? Acting like she could spare an apology. I would lie if I'd say it's the first time she acts like this... That's my fault, I wasn't looking in front of me. I'm sorry Lulu, I know you can't eat vegetables without your sugar drink... The... special drink. This is enough! m going to teach that bitch a lesson she won't forget! How long V f it's been now? One year? Since that bully entered our school, she { picks on you i \ again and m IV a£ain I I tried! reallytriedtotalk to her awhile A ago and... ((A ^ If you think ^ that's going to ' end because you're letting it go, then you're even more naive \ than I , \ thought! ^ Excuse me. I'd like to talk to you about something... I identified as a personal vendetta against me. Listen, I don't even know you and I truly have no idea of what I could have done to drive you mad, but I'd like to fix things if we still got this chance It's really stressful you know... I failed a test last week because you locked me in that room during... the entire afternoon. Iknew 1 could find her at the library after class. Ittookme a lot of efforts to engage a dialogue with her and then... I need a reason v to all this -
jAllthis is not going to impair my good mood today bec- I know I should defend you but I must admit... she has a point Don't worry I can tell you * about bullies, Lux They usually act like this with many others, smaller and most vulnerable students like ^ Lulu. But you're the only one. > ^ There's a deeper reason ^ beneath all this. _____________^ You made an impressing fund-raising at your school. I would never have imagined you could have joined us. I hope you got all your stuff ready because the bus is not going to wait I bet you're here for the school outing right? So you came to pick us up.Ahri ? The finest of the Guardians is also joining for the trip H / /H 1« j/lm fc€W/ \ ^ '^3 V //■ .by \ kV '■ 111 & n MTTt HflrJ^TYup! Exactly! J/~ 1 j
But look, they argue like blabbering babies. I would never have expected the First star to be desespérate enough to choose such weaklings Oh wow, I'm sure you did not even lift a finger for that trip while we were collecting the funds by our own vreweresuppo5'“ H to sett- V Remember \ when I said we'd take care of everything coming up from now on? ” What a waste of time. We came^ here to fight, not to teach the basics to some rookies _ Drop the attitude Syndra. This is because they are not experienced enough that Ahri asked us here. You baby star \ ain't ready for j^f this task yet. This^^H is why we entered aW private school in 7 this same town Don't worry. This is no territory war. But even if we re not really teaming up, we all think this outing is a good opportunity for us to discuss of our further plans Besides, I'm happy to join the ride so maybe we could... get to know each k other. You mean... what we fought there was just small fry? I That's wonderful to have you here! I'm pretty honored to be In the name of my sisters, №yf -Y ?m / ~y; mm What is certain is thatyou —c x' XY giamcuyuui ncip s' W* : and advices. / rT \ I truly thank J you. II W girls alone cannot contain the brawl \ \ j&SI about to come fj * . 1 1 I ^yl 1 I 1 Rui 1 ^| /A Y DUi... r mY’j jAr^&S\ Y m ¡Ir (wr\ №c№in&a'on 1 /TtBbV V \ W fl 1 A \ m) I f ^SIS /míJL ■ amt/A / She looks nice... I /fi n^n \ I won't go Jy \ 1 to the school mAa) \ \ - ( /. // \ \l v V1 Ya¿\ l yr A /, k \ ul outing with o ly ( l ill Bk -Tj V VtSyr* ~ y°u (/LUV
,\ Asa \ \JJj member of fjj the students concil, I gave my word I would help withtthe spring festival coming soon Hi f I hoped a little bit of involvment from , , you but it seems like your time is tooJ precious to be wasted. What's wrong with that girl? They first refuse to team Why would Lux change her plans up. then come to tell us we're for them anyway ? not able to fight the terrors What if they changed their mind /vt/ (jag \ | and want us all to be v J- \ \ fj "X?. friends? \ 7 Were moving! Lux, 1 told you 1 could stay if you ever feel worried or if you just > need a hand for the festival I You should really go with them. I don't want you to miss this chance... For those who feel concerned jou know where to find us . Truth is. We^ifthoughtthe same"-^henrAHnmentionned the ^threats tiycomc. I still feel shivers in my spine ■V V'™ reminding me of Lulu's —^ recent drawings. I I don't want you to be^ r "^alonewhen such terrors will emerged from the dark ^ When v re away... I feel so scared For them. was already f] i \ , “ A f settled I wouldn't go ) VL i to the outing^^ 1 V TV - — [XvnYYCr Call us I'm sorry I've worried you all once • girls! Butyou definitly have to go and visit the Shojin monastery after it you \\ \\ Vi— x>\ ever feel fjf \ ' all the efforts we've made to get * in danger V this outing! I'll be fine! ^5™^! \ N /¡m~ \ Just go and / ^ Sh Lml ( have fun! faff >3§£v 1J/ M1 yyXl -^A/M)JJm 1 1 WlP WSi
Are we good ^^yet? Have you packed all your stuff Lulu ? We shouldn't make Ahri's group wait on the first day we really have the chance to interact /ssr\ with them. Yes! Just a few seconds! Pix haven't had his daily snack yet! How many times I've told you not to feed Pix I out of your bag!? ^ You're justjealous of Pix since he always gets the best snacks !^^ f Whatif^| someone see him and ask questions? 4 /pro ra\ \ A \ —Ojm V— i Tk « ! » (SSk.^®p tti <
Warui? What have you stolen this time?. She just saw me!
Lulu? What's got into you? N-nothing really! I must1 be seing things...'Mistook a friend with the wrong person, Fine, but we ' should hurry. We don't want to hear Her Majesty Why do I feel so nervous? They're just leaving for a few days. Therefore, Ahri and cie will be with them... W I felt like I f needed to get back to you after what just; happened. Ahri is a bit blunt sometimes but... she hasher, reasons A ^Wedo not all f share the same mistrust towards other Star Guardians and I personally i think that working k together would be X the best option. Did...I scare \ 1 y°u? < A y) J [ Jafl 1 * L(y\ lit(by N-.no ^ I won't need n , TTJx \. //Vi 1 ¡Aw you little thing! W j F \-\r 1 Jannagotme ^ fgm f worried but I'm sure I'll see things coming! 4 f
I don't wantyou to think we don't A consideryour ^ team at all r w' And you m came to find me^I to apologize for^ k that? * is no heartíel^scorn ~ ...but real fear. Sarah and I had to *arguewithAhri to come 1 here and seek for your assistance. I guess it took her a lot of efforts to act smilingly. So when you told heryou couldn't come to this outing... she probably took that as an insult. X— ' Misdirection / so much vet and shes^ not this happen agajnfB ^ even if that Ä I means throwing harshwords^^ îhlmjBIHB I know! I could skip the outing and stay with you to help you organizing it! I can understand her position. I As a leader, '' she must first stand with those she's meant to L protect. 4 5ÏSS mtssM® rI will respect her decision^ if she decide to have you all k go if she feels like it. A But that's really unfortunate. This week is really special and... that's not only for the spring festival but also for Janna. She's always feeling blue when flowers blossom during her birthday so thisyear I'm planning a ¡ittie}f ^ surprise party. There's a copy of the event's diary with all the usefulinstruc tions and the list of the requested y goods and , fi materials. Thanks but...wow... that's a lot. Hey!Sorry to interrupt your flirt Lux... Yeah...mosl of the council left to this outing. I'm running out of Y i volunteers. ah! here's one of them! President! Maybe you could ^ share your work with her. [President Ireli< Thats- gT - 11 A ", pretty || 1 /Sa / k sweet i
Ezreal is telling me Sure ! 1 Let me send a text! i that... he won't be coming at the outing with us.^ Is... is your invitation still open ? Ur This is ll rather sur I prising. But I guess Ezreal has his own 1 good reasons to let us down at the U very last ] ^ moment J| It's not a bad option to grant Baby Star a bit of ) company, just in case. jg I Lulu i can tell you're the one so i special!/ S-special? ' Fasten your seat belt * and well be launching > the machine! ¿A Harmony... as a team. You must ^ be the "ears" of your team / That's what the First StarsaidtoLuluin her dreams, n— ■ Janna says IhavVa I special seiisibliityJ with it. Luluidesnt P understand it all gi but can help B by drawing A \ What it stiows to me. who can hear and understand the First Star's warnings to help us protecting its precious light across the universe. 'X j U [ci? 1 Hurry up girls ! ] l> I / i WpC
You're missing the outing because of me... and you gave mean hand with the party stuff. I feel indebted for everything you've done yet, Ezreal. M So! Are we good? i Yes! \\{ m We found almost * s?. everything for both r Janna's birthday and ~ the spring event! < / You need help to Q_ carry all this stuff —m back to your J ✓¿Si, place? jjfc I'm glad I could have helped J ' Haven't \ you donej enough ? Should I call ? Tj^ -^ji [|
Must be my imagination Haven't I told ^ jtai you before? \ \ sn m , mpi , V. «1 - > i / ' \ \Ml rW/ i\\l /«/ !■ F i 1 lr I 1
Katarina,Катарина,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Sona,Сона,Leona,Леона,Fiora,Фиора,Aatrox,Атрокс,Jinx,Джинкс,Poppy,Поппи,Lulu,Лулу,Janna,Жанна,Lux,Люкс,Ahri,Ари,Syndra,Синдра,Miss Fortune,Мисс Фортуна,Ezreal,Эзреаль,Soraka,Сорака,Irelia,Ирелия,Corki,Корки,LoL Comics,Shinaa,Кликабельно
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а есть ли тут всемогущие переводчики, которые смогут перевести это произведение?
Merksis Merksis 14.08.201809:26 ответить ссылка 0.2
ЯнБаян мог, наверное.
Но он "сгорел".
О, это же автор давешнего Night Aegis`a, над переводом подумаю в свободное время.
Lapuxxx Lapuxxx 15.08.201810:35 ответить ссылка 0.0
Как развидеть смущения на щечках у Атрокса ...
Moxito77 Moxito77 03.10.201821:55 ответить ссылка 0.0
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